What problems can psychological therapies help me with?

Research has shown that there are effective psychological therapies for a wide range of everyday human problems. See a list of some of the problems that psychotherapy can help with and links to research …

What do you look for in a psychotherapist?

Psychotherapists show attentive concern for their client’s experience and the difficulties they face and aim to work together with them in a collaborative manner. If you are seeking help for emotional distress you are probably looking for three things  …

What kind of

People are often confused by the different kinds of psychotherapy on offer. Here is a guide to the main approaches as well as an explanation of how integrative approaches like schema therapy draw on the strengths of each into a comprehensive and flexible process  …

Assessment, treatment plan and therapy contract

In schema therapy, we begin with an assessment process that allows us to understand the nature and scope of your problems and how they came about. We can discuss our understanding with you and the kinds of intervention that are likely to be helpful to you. …

Schema therapy

Schema Therapy is an approach to the treatment of psychological problems that do not usually respond to brief therapy. Jeffrey Young has been developing schema therapy for over 25 years in the USA where it is widely used.  It is an integrative therapy that draws on cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT), psychodynamic and relational therapies, and experiential and expressive therapies. Schema therapy is also widely used in Europe, particularly in Holland, Germany, the UK and the Scandinavian countries. Over the last decade there has been increasing research evidence for the effectiveness of schema therapy in the treatment of complex psychological problems.

Cognitive therapy and CBT

Beck’s cognitive therapy, from which schema therapy evolved, is a form of cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT). CBT is a very practical approach that has been adapted to treat a wide range of psychological disorders.

Can medication help me?

Although various forms of medication are often given as the first line of treatment for psychological problems, this is often not in line with the latest scientific recommendations. Medications can help, but the extent of this has been exaggerated by advertising, and the long term negative effects of taking medication have been played down.


Want to smile?  Developed from a Robin Williams joke, the Fukitol website makes fun of some of the simplistic myths about psychiatric medication.